Liberia Visa

Visa > Liberia

Visa Information for Liberia

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Country Fact Finder

NameName: Republic of Liberia

LocationLocation:West Africa

TimeTime: IST (-) 5 1/2 hrs


LanguageLanguage: English 20% (official), some 20 ethnic group languages few of which can be written or used in correspondence

AreaArea:97,754 sq kms

PopulationPopulation: 3,786,764 (July 2011 est.)

National DayNational Day:26 Jul (Independence Day)

CurrencyCurrency: Liberian Dollar (LRD) 1 = INR 0.77.

ClimateClimate: Liberia experiences very hot and tropical climate with slight variation in temperature. The wet season occurs from May to October, while the dry Harmattan wind blows from December to March, making the coastal belt predominantly arid.

HolidaysHolidays-Year 2018:1 Jan - New Year's Day, 11 Feb - Armed Forces Day, 12 Mar - National Decoration Day, 15 Mar - J J Roberts' Birthday, 11 Apr - National Fast and Prayer Day, 12 Apr - National Redemption Day, 14 May - National Unification Day, 25 May - Africa Day, 26 Jul - Independence Day, 24 Aug - Flag Day, 6 Nov - Thanksgiving Day, 29 Nov - President Tubman's Birthday, 25 Dec - Christmas Day.

Holidays NameAirlines Name: Nil

International AirportsInternational Airports: Roberts International Airport (Monrovia)

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Information not available

Read on to this section to find-out about details of the nearest embassy of country or consulate of the country you want to visit.

New Delhi
Name: Liberian Consulate in New Delhi
Address: No. 5, Grand Westend, Rajokri
City: New Delhi - 110 038
Country: India
Telephone: 0124- 3322001
Email: ,

Forms are not available for this country. Applicants can refer to the respective country's official website for more details..