Barka Kana Railway Station Detail

Station Code



Barka Kana



Barka Kana Railway Station Phone Number


First Train


Last Train


Train Frequency Weekly


No of Platform


Train Passing Through Barka Kana Station

Train Runs Arrives Departs Stop time Journey Details Platform No
  • S
  • M
  • T
  • W
  • T
  • F
  • S
00:25 min
06 h 28 m
41 Stops, 700 Km
  • S
  • M
  • T
  • W
  • T
  • F
  • S
00:10 min
01 h 30 m
68 Stops, 48 Km

Barka Kana Railway Station Overview

Barka Kana is a major railway hub connecting different corners of India. The Barka Kana station is a testament to Victorian-era architecture and plays a significant role from a connectivity point of view.

As trains pass through the numerous platforms, the station echoes with vibrant energy and is full of hustle and bustle throughout the day. Passengers can explore the local flavors and savor several dishes at the bustling food stalls that offer a culinary journey.

The station serves as a gateway to the city's attractions, with convenient transportation options connecting travelers to iconic landmarks. The station also houses modern amenities, ensuring a comfortable experience for passengers, with waiting lounges, Wi-Fi connectivity, and other facilities.

One of the key essentials to remember while booking a train from this station to your destination is the station code and the Barka Kana railway station code is BRKA. Once you step out of the Barka Kana railway station, you can easily look for a bus, auto and rickshaw.

Frequently Asked Questions
Q.How Many no of Platforms are there in Barka Kana Railway Station?

A. There are 0 platforms in Barka Kana.

Q.What is station code forBarka Kana railway station?

A. BRKA is the station code for Barka Kana.

Q.What is The Number of Trains Leaving from Barka Kana Railway Station in A Week?

A.There are 2 trains leaving from Barka Kana in a week.

Q. Which Is First Train Starts from Barka Kana Railway Station?

A.First train that deaprts from Barka Kana JBP HWH SPL 17:40.

Q.Which is last train terminating on Barka Kana railway Station?

A.Last train that terminating on Barka Kana SBP JAT SPL 20:50