The Best Countries in the World to Travel To solo

EaseMyTrip April 26, 2022

Travel is a very broad term hence we break it down in phases to make an understanding of the term easy. Today we wish to discuss the one of the most wanted on the travellers list 'Solo traveling or solo traveller’

Who is a solo traveller?

The meaning lies in the name itself, an individual who enjoys traveling solo or alone.

Traveling solo comes with a lot of pros and cons; the ability to be able to navigate your own travel, be a boss of your own itinerary and the opportunity to be creative.

Traveling solo and having a sense of freedom goes hand in hand, one is intituled to enjoy solitude and use the opportunity to be more aware about herself or himself.

Types of solo travellers:

Now we break it down for you, maybe you will find yourself and know what kind of a traveller are you:

  • Solo budget travel: By the name it suggests they are someone who will plan his or her expenses and plan to venture budget friendly.
  • Luxury Solo traveller: An individual who wishes to enjoy the luxuries of life, hence will plan a trip in a very luxurious way.
  • Solo (Group) Travellers: Individuals who venture out solo but get mixed with the other individuals or groups.
  • Digital Nomads: A very celebrated term, which we are sure one must have come across during the pandemic; individuals who wish to travel, but like to have their work as their companion.
  • Solo (Adventure) Traveller: Individuals who live their life on the philosophy of "ek hi toh zindagi Hai" come under this category, they wish to try each and every adventure out there and challenge there calling.
  • Solo (Day tripping) travellers: Who are they? The name may be giving an individual an idea that they are the party lovers, but no they are complete opposite, the babies who are still venturing in to the world of solo travelling.

I hope you find yourself in the list!

How to Choose which country is right for you:

It temperately comes from inside, about which place you wish to visit, but never mind we'll help you here, and help you suggest on the basis of certain criteria, because that's what we do best!

  • Budget: It should be one of the major points when it comes to planning your trip, figuring out the days you wish to spend in the particular place and then look through the budget. If planning international, look for currency rate of the particular and compare it with your home country, hence one has an idea, how much money you will be required throughout the trip.
  • Security: something everyone would be on to you if planning your solo trip, but this happens to be the most important factor, as you will be away in foreign land and we sure feel, one needs to make sure about the safety & security.
  • Transportation: What is the major mode of transportation when it comes to the chosen destination. What is the basic mode of transportation, how much feasible is to access the transportation services from the point one needs to cover?
  • Meal: You are going to stay in that destination for a certain amount of time, hence food should surely be part of the list, meaning what are the major food habits of the locals of the place, what kind of food is easily accessible. If hard-core vegetarian, look for the places that offer the same or what can be the alternative.
  • Now we come to the most important part, hence what are your needs when it comes to travel, what motives you wish to fulfil after traveling to the destination and the selected destination offers the same?

What to keep in mind before having the time of your life:

Be very sure about the destination. Read, read and Read about the place, watch videos to know the Knick and knacks of the destination, which spot should not be missed by you.

Be aware about the place you are staying, the major pit stops at the place, is the place one plans to stay, safe and secure?

A major thing to keep in your mind is to keep all your documents handy.

Tips for staying safe while traveling solo:

Something that cannot be explained, but certain points should always pe kept in mind, when planning your next travel.

Be sure of the place you will be staying in. Pick the right accommodation, and check and be sure of the amenities, are there everything checking off from the list? Does it have a medical store nearby? Does the accommodation have good speed WIFI connection? Does the place provide with battery backup?

One should try to blend with the locals, the crowd, it will benefit the individuals in two ways:

Firstly, it helps you better explore the place, secondly the environment will more safe and secure.

Always update the people near and dear ones about your itinerary, it is ideal to keep at least one person updated about the travel inhibitions.

We know everyone is a digital nomad and feels, there is no need to carry cash, but when traveling one should always have cash with herself/himself. It is surely a necessity, when traveling to the foreign land. Every other place does not use the digital currency, hence carrying cash with oneself will only add to the smooth journey.

Always carry a small backup, whenever you wish to travel, hence helping you to avoid carrying valuable at all times. Carry only the things that are required by the particular destination one plans to venture to.

How to make friends while traveling solo:

  • Be approachable: The more approachable one is, the easier to blend. Hence, it will be easy for an individual to not be alone but can also have your much needed ‘me time’ and enjoy the benefits of solo travels.  
  • Learn the language, as it helps you blend in with the natives: If traveling to a foreign land, where the language barrier exists, it is beneficial for an individual to be able to converse in the local language.
  • Stay in hostels: This is one of the most said after point. One should, always stay in hostel, choose dorm beds, why? Because it helps build community feeling and one gets to connect other people and make connections!
  • Strike up conversations during transit and travels: You are alone traveling, how about talk to the individual sitting right next to you? Two things: It will help you pass the time, and voila, you have your first friend on your solo trip, and you just learned the art of ice breaking.
  • Use co-working spaces, if you're working on your trip do work in places with around people: If you are on a workcation (vacation where you plan to work and travel simultaneously) then it will be beneficial on both personal and professional front, to stay in co-working spaces, and maybe you connect with like minded people and make connections for lifetime.
  • Visit local hang outs and common areas: When on solo travel, be open, try local cuisines, be ready to try local areas and common areas.
  • Go on group tours: The easiest way to start your solo ventures, one can start travelling in group travels. Where one will find people approximately same age, working professionals, it will help you get all the nips and Knacks of solo travels. 

What to do if you get homesick:

Homesickness or loneliness are certain emotions which can be very easily triggered while solo travelling for various reasons.

If that is ever the case then you should firstly put yourself out and go meet new people, make new friends etc as that would help you getting over the feeling. Interact with people there and you could even find solo travellers just like you too. You could call your friends and family to get over homesickness, another way of dealing with this feeling could be engaging yourself into different activities and events.

Benefits of solo traveling:

Solo travelling apart from fulfilling your travel needs also benefits you in various other ways too as it increases your confidence, you get to meet new people and even build meaningful relationships. It helps to learn more about yourself as you get time to discover oneself and you begin to enjoy your own company. You step outside your comfort zone which ultimately helps you in life too and also you will improve your conversation skills and you'll probably improve your language skills too.

Another benefit of solo travelling is that it's more cost efficient that group traveling.

If the blogs help you in any way and makes you feel the need to venture out solo, then we have got you covered with itineraries to all the places one can think of. Our aim is to ease your trip and that’s what we are adamant on. The process is simple, head to the holidays section and in a few clicks, one has a solo trip to look forward to!

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